Registration Closed for: American Museum of Natural History Exploration and NYSMEA Board Meeting

  • 03 Feb 2019
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • American Museum of Natural History


Place: People Center, 2nd floor Education Department Wing just off the middle of the Peoples of Africa exhibition hall.  Go to the end of the Education hall through and through the glass doors.

Important meeting should only take two hours, with lunch, then out to see the museum exhibits, including admission to the Unseen Oceans.  This is why you are an actively participating member: networking, food, entertainment and life-mission accomplishments.

Guests should come to the People Center after lunch around 1:00 to get tickets to Unseen Oceans.  NYSMEA member and AMNH volunteer Bernie Wides will be the Unseen Oceans docent for our NYSMEA group.

There is no museum entrance fee.  Guests should contact Lisa Breslof at 201.921.4158 at the security desk upon arrival.

Contact Lisa Breslof

To reserve tickets to Unseen Oceans contact Lisa Breslof at, or at 201.921.4158.  Please reserve tickets by Thursday, January 31, 2019

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