World Oceans Week!
Marine Education Association
We had some great presentations. Check out the recordings on "Recorded Videos" section of this website.
Dive into World Oceans Week, June 1st through 5th
a New York Harbor focused preview to
World Ocean’s Day June 8th, 2020.
Swim by through Zoom, Instagram, or as indicated in the links below as NYSMEA partners share their ocean of insights to better understand, restore, and protect our waters.
June 1 @ 11am ET - Wonderful Whales
Enjoy Dr. Merryl Kafka’s fascinating photographs taken up close during whale watching. Learn about the evolution, biology and behavior of these majestic marine mammals and about the recent establishment of a summer feeding grounds for Humpback whales off of our city’s coast. Recommended for grades 4 -1
June 2 @2pm ET - Oyster Restoration on the East River
Billion Oyster Project's technician Rob Buchanan and partners are working today, at a safe distance, to install new oyster reefs along the Brooklyn shore. We'll try to join Rob and the team live, operations permitting, and share curriculum and videos on line.
Dive in! follow @BillionOyster on Instagram
June 3 @ 11am ET - Climate Change and Coastal Resilience
Historic images, environmental data, and real world examples explain the processes behind climate change and demonstrate resilient practices and infrastructure that can be applied right here in our own coastal city. Recommended for grades 4 -12
June 3 @ 2pm ET- Waterfront Wednesday: Become an Ecological Engineer
Make a model shoreline, add water and imagination, and discover more about green infrastructure and hardened infrastructure. Explore the choices our communities face as we try to build resilient and welcoming waterfronts. Recommended for all ages.
Dive In! follow @nycwaterfront on Instagram
June 4 @ 11am ET - Cooking Sustainable U.S. Fish
Learn how to choose your seafood wisely with knowledge of marine natural history and current ocean issues. Choose from seafood that is fished or farmed in an ecologically sound manner as well as ways to prepare them for your plate. Diversifying your seafood consumption among well managed species will go a long way towards protecting our marine stocks. This session is for everyone looking for an adventure in marine conservation. Open to all ages interested in cooking.
June 5 @ 11am ET - Fintastic Fish
Through photography and storytelling, learn about the anatomy, adaptation, and behavior of sharks and rays found right in your backdoor. Recommended for grades 4 -12.
Dive in! Zoom Registration
June 5 & 12 - Billion Oyster Project - Virtual Symposium
June 5th project submissions, June 12th virtual celebration! Recommended for all ages.
Dive in! Eventbrite Registration
June 8 - World Oceans Day
Pick your favorite way to Dive In!
Thank you for celebrating UN World Oceans Week with NYSMEA and our partners!
To support our variety of additional programs and resources, join our group of marine educators and enthusiasts through our website membership link.
The theme of UN World Oceans Day 2020 is “Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean.” Innovation—relating to the introduction of new methods, ideas, or products—is a dynamic term, and one that is fundamentally filled with hope. The UN World Oceans Day celebration will this year take place as a virtual event produced in partnership with Oceanic Global. The programming of the day and subsequent events taking place throughout World Ocean Week (8 to 14 June 2020) will explore innovations across categories including technology, systems infrastructure, resource management, consumer products, finance and scientific exploration — and will outline how these innovations can be applied, their potential impact, and the resources needed to transform them into long-lasting solutions.
Visit www.unworldoceansday.org to find out how you can get involved and participate in events throughout World Ocean Week.
For youth-oriented events, feel free to use and share a collection of curriculum and projects for students, teachers, and their parents (curriculum). Please contact doalos@un.org if you wish to join the network of some 200 organizations collaborating with the United Nations through the informal Friends of UN World Oceans Day platform.
Youth are invited to submit ocean-related art work in any medium to the World Oceans Day 2020 Youth Art Gallery: https://unworldoceansday.org/event/world-oceans-day-2020-youth-art-gallery! All artists under 18 years of age or in their final year of high school are welcome to submit until June 3.
We hope you can get involved and participate in World Oceans Day/Week! Keep checking the official website for updates www.unworldoceansday.org!