Straight off a great presentation last night on Sustainable Fisheries with NYS Sea Grant educator Michael Ciaramella, Lisa Breslof, and Doreen Johann, we have another great talk with AMNH Researcher, Russell Bicknell - next Thursday.
Sign up today and share with students and colleagues.
Link to Bicknell talk Registration:
Commemorating 50 Years of Memories
Open the envelope to see the greeting and hear interviews from additional,
new March scientists and advocates.
Share your own birthday memory/message in our Facebook/Instagram comments.
Share your knowledge! Present at the Conference!
Presenter application
Do you know someone worthy of recognition
at our conference?
NYSMEA Award nominations are now open
Award Nomination
How about being an
What a great presentation.
Now available in the Members Only Section
Wow! We had a great time!
Pictures in the January Strandline
and on Facebook!
It was a great trip.
Here are some pictures!
It was a great event!
Here are some pictures!
Another successful citizen science activity!
Great Day! Checkout September Strandline for
Story and Pictures
and/or watch the video
July 18th was a great day for NYSMEA - we ran two activities,
one in Long Island Sound for students,
and a second, for teachers on the south side of Long Island.
Both activities are prime examples of our activities.
Click here for pictures
It was a great day! See June Strandline for
pictures and article!
Wow! What a great time!
Click here for access to the videos
The Fun Continued on Sunday!
Recordings now available in Members Only Section
Benthic Elegies
Patti Jordan
Know Seafood or No Seafood
Pam Lynch
Darwin and the HMS Challenger in Focus
Jay Holmes
Tracking New York's Rehabilitated Turtles Post Release
Maxine Montello
Catching, Cleaning and Cooking Summer Flounder
Ben Marcus
The Boys of Summer
A Decade of Research on the American Horseshoe Crab
at Plumb Beach
Chirstina Colon
South Shore Bays Collaborative Water Study
Robyn Silvestri
I Spy a Fish: A Snapshot of Participatory Science
Opportunities and Tools
Jimena Perez-Viscasillas
Empowering Inner-city Youth Through Marine Science
Mauricio Gonzalez
The New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary
From Open Sewer to Hope Spot!
Dr. Judith Weis
Science on the Half Shell:
Oyster Biology and Ecology
Jenn Shinn
Mechanisms and Consequences of Species on the Move
Dr. Zoe Kitchel
Chronicles of Hope:
Ten Years of Uncovering Shinnecock Bay's Secrets
Dr. Ellen Pikitch
Explore the Connecticut Estuarine Research Reserve
Larissa Graham
A Day in the Life of Your River!
Melissa Griffiths Parrott
Preserving Natural Science Collections: One Conservator's Story
Fran Ritchie
Life in an Ancient River/Floodplain: Fauna and Paleoenvironment of the Red Hill Fossil Site
Dr. Jennifer Lane
Can the Ocean Save the Planet?
Public Education for Ocean Climate Action
David Helvarg
The Redesigned Earth
A New Resource for Teachers and Engineers
Dr. John Tanacredi
Connecting Students to the Oceans: Supporting Ocean Literacy and
STEM Action Lessons For the Middle Grades
Kiowa Garcia
Teaching Ecology and Nature on a Class Fieldtrip
and Using it in the Classroom
Don Riepe
Bringing Awareness of the Whales of NYC to Teachers, Students and
the General Public
Paul Sieswerda
Teaching and Learning About Horseshoe Crab
Conservation and Biology
Dr. John Tanacredi
Marine Mammals as Teaching Tools
Dr. Artie Kopelman
Sharks:How New Fossil Discoveries are Challenging
Traditional Ideas of "Sharkness"
Dr. Adriana Aquino Gerard
A few photos from the conference
Mollusk Mania in Downtown Manhattan
Aug. 14, 2021
Great Job! Tom Greene, Blanca Ching and other volunteers!
Hope to see you at
Mollusk Mania, our display with some live and dry specimens of local univalves and bivalves. The oyster will be the centerpiece with a demo measuring growth.
Community Day in Chinatown on Saturday August 14 at the historic
Hamilton-Madison House located at 253 South St New York, NY 10002.
There will be two outdoor sessions following NYC Covid Guidelines
1 pm-4 pm for preK - 8years 3pm - 8pm for 9 years to 21 years
Hope to see you there! Contact Tom Greene
(Thomasfgreene@aol.com) if you want to participate
Great day at Kaiser Park August 7th. Adam Riback did a fantastic job planning and executing the perfect Bar-B-Q at the site of our "It's My Estuary Day" events. An opportunity to share a meal, get to see old friends, and network. Be sure to join us at the Whale Watch on the 26th and watch for other events on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.
Thanks to everyone who attended! It was a great day!
WOW What a great NMEA 2021 Conference! Kudos to Leann Winn and the other conference co-chairs.
July 17th was the final day and NYSMEA was proud to host an in-person field trip to the fantastic, new Energy and Nature Center at Jones Beach. Director Jeanne Haffner gave us a comprehensive tour of the new facility and a glimpse at the curriculum on which they are working. Be sure to check out the website https://www.jonesbeachenc.org/ and visit soon
We are excited to announce that we are planning the NMEA 2022 Conference for next summer at Hofstra University in Nassau County New York. It will be a hybrid format with a full in person schedule and virtual options. The committee is actively meeting under the direction of our Conference Chairs, Sarah Richards, Meg Marrero, Leann Winn and Lou siegel.
Please contact Sarah at srichards@saintannsny.org to join our team.
We are also looking for additional sponsorship as well as presenters.
Hope to see you there!
Sustainable Fish
Sean Barret is the cofounder of Dock to Dish
He went into deep detail about their success with incrementally improving seafood catch-and-delivery to regional dinner plates!
Missed it? Listen to the whole presentation in the Members only section.
How-to sessions on fish prepping and cooking.
Lisa Breslof, NYSMEA Board Member, followed by
Heidi Raker with Hudson Valley Fisheries.
We were excited to have a panel discussion with
Stephanie Villani, author of The Fisherman’s Wife;
Ryan Nebeker, Research and Policy Analyst with FoodPrint;
Kristin Gerbino, a Fisheries Specialist with Cornell Cooperative Extension Marine Program; and
Gretchen Thuesen, Program Lead for @future_of_fish
Colles Stowell, Founder of @onefishblog
Video and Image Copyright David Stolarz, October 4, 2017. All rights reserved.
The New York State Marine Education Association does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or disability, including impaired vision or hearing, in its programs and activities.